Frequently Asked Questions About Forensic Interviews

  • What can I expect from the investigative process?

    The Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) consists of social workers, police officers, prosecutors, advocates, medical professionals, and a child interview specialist. All of these professionals are sensitive to the difficult and confusing time that you and your child may be experiencing. The MDT's overall goal is to complete the investigation in a child friendly, timely and professional manner.

  • How can I best prepare my child for the interview?

    Children are often put at ease by knowing what to expect and do best when well rested and fed. It is helpful to inform your child that someone wishes to talk with them about what was reported. It is important to reassure your child and give them permission to talk freely; however it is equally important not to rehearse with your child or tell your child what to say. We encourage letting your child know they will not be in trouble for anything they talk about during the interview. Your child will be allowed to bring a comfort item into the interview room for additional support.

  • Can I observe or be with my child during the interview?

    It is important for the interviewer to talk with your child alone. If something abusive has happened to your child, it might initially be difficult for your child to talk about this in front of you. If your child discloses abusive incidents, it may be upsetting to you. The team members have the responsibility of observing, assessing, and investigating the allegations. The team’s focus must be on your child. Therefore you are not permitted to observe the interview.

  • What can I expect immediately following the interview?

    At the end of the interview, the CPS investigator and law enforcement will inform you about what will happen next. Unless told otherwise, you and your child are free to leave after talking with the investigators. The team will meet and develop a plan. An advocate or the CPS investigator may contact you at a later date with more detailed information.

  • What should my child know about the medical exam?

    If your child receives a medical examination related to the allegation, explain that this is to make sure that their body is healthy. Assure your child that this exam will not hurt and that the medical examiner will tell your child everything that they will be doing prior to the exam. If a medical exam is not requested by the MDT, you may request one by contacting your advocate.

  • What additional support is available for my child and our family?

    Children who have experienced sexual harm may need additional support following their disclosure. Your child may also feel frustration, anger, guilt, fear and helplessness. Parents and other family members also need support and understanding. Remember that bad things happen to good people. Professional, evidence-based counseling can help you and your child through this stressful time. If you are interested in receiving counseling, please contact your advocate for a referral.